August 17, 2010 12:27 am

With the morning new I awoke and saw beside me the beauty and splendor that is you.
I lay in awe of what I saw unable to move from my head to my toes
As I tried to speak my voice went weak and my lips froze
My heart a burning flame rising higher and higher in the sky
Try and try as I did you were out of reach
July 29, 2010 12:55 am

Just before leaving for this hike I wrote in a letter to a friend the following:
“I believe that it is experiences that are among lifes most precious commodities”
I have long believed that the material things we accumulate in life, all of our “things” and “stuff” mean very little.
The time I have spent with friends and family the past few days, the friends I have made and even strangers I have met since beginning this hike I believe more now than ever experiences are truly lifes most precious commodities and I will continue on this journey and in life pursuing those precious commodities I call experiences.
June 22, 2010 9:44 pm

Date: 6.22.2010
Location: White Cap Mountain Maine
Close your eyes here For a moment everything is perfect here
Close your eyes here For a moment you and I can find no conflict here
Close your eyes here For a moment our hearts hurt no more here
Close your eyes here For a moment we are all aligned in health here
Close your eyes here For a moment we all understand here
I Climbed White Cap Mountain today. It was a very steep and tiring climb topped off with a long, long climb up hundreds of stone stairs. As you ascend the mountain the smell of fresh pine floods your senses, but when I came across the top I smelled something else as well which I believe was fresh sage. White Cap has easily been my favorite time of the trip thus far. The views were simply stunning and unlike Katadihn which I found slightly overwhelming, White Cap had very gentle rolling peaks which set me at great ease.
Close your eyes here.
June 15, 2010 6:08 pm

Have you ever slept beside a babeling brook or a simmering stream?
Have you listened to her sing her song lulling you softly to sleep?
Have you listened to her many stories?
Have you known her many things?
Have you dreamt her many dreams?
Have you ever slept beside a babbling brook or a simmering stream?