I arrived at Spruce Lake around 3pm today. It was still another 11 miles to Piseco and in case I couldn’t find a room there I figured it was best to wait till morning before making the push to town.
I stopped at the Spruce Lake lean-to #3 near the northern end of the lake. It was unoccupied but being it was so early I didn’t get my hopes to high. I made dinner, set up my hammock and put my clothes out to dry.
As it got later and no one else came a feeling of peaceful serenity set in. This was absolutely one of the quietest and most serene places I had ever been. I reflected on how this place was as it was because you could only reach it by foot. No motorized travel was allowed here and it was miles from roads, homes and people in general.
I watched a baby loon with its mother and listened to it try and learn the loons song. Dragon flies gracefully danced in and out of my view. I watched the clouds move over the lake as the sun set. I am truly as at peace as I have ever been here in this place now.
Sunset & clouds over Spruce LakeBoat by Spruce lakeClouds over Spruce LakeSunset & clouds over Spruce LakeSunset & clouds over Spruce LakeToad in Spruce LakeView from Spruce Lake lean-to #3″Hammock at Spruce Lake
Though it’s not on the Trans Adirondack Route, the Adirondack Mountain Club owns and operates a Loj & campground at Heart Lake in the Adirondacks. Since I have always wanted to see it and it’s only a 1.5 mile side trip. I stopped there for some supplies, a wash, and hopefully some great scenery. It did not disappoint!
I paid for a basic tent site for the evening. Upon checking in and heading to my campsite I was greeted by the campground hosts, Dan and Maureen. They were a couple from Albany and Dan was fascinated by the trip i am taking.
Dan is a 46’r or one who has summitted all of the Adirondack High Peaks, which are the peaks over 4000 feet. He is also a winter 46’r which takes some doing. Dan and I spoke several times throughout my stay here. He picked my brain about the TransADK and I his about 46’ing. They were a very nice couple. I enjoyed talking with them.
I made dinner, set up camp, took a ice cold shower and raced down to the lake to see the sunset. It really was picturesque. I was also able to catch both sunset and sunrise on Heart Lake.
Adirondak LOJAdirondak LOJGlamping at the Adirondak LOJHeart LakeHeart LakeHeart LakeHeart LakeHeart Lake
Today I passed through the Olympic Training Facility at Mt. Van Hoevenberg in Lake Placid. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s so cool to be on a hike that passes through so many different and varied places. There are mountain bike trails here, biathlon courses and bobsled. For $75 anyone can try out the bobsled track. A bit steep for me but I enjoyed hiking around and up it while watching the tourists zoom by.
The views from the back of Mt. Van Hoevenberg are some of the best on the Trans Adirondack Route. You can get a unobstructed view of many of the High Peaks including Mt. Marcy. Simply amazing.
Olympic Training FacilityBobsled trackLooking north over the bobsled tracksLooking north over the bobsled tracksLooking south from Mt. Van HoevenbergSouth Meadows at base of Mt Van Hoevenberg