June 30, 2010 12:17 am

A “Lean To” or “Shelter” is a 3 walled structure generally made of logs with a metal roof.
They are usually built near reliable water sources and have privy’s as well. Most hikers camp in these.
I think they are pretty disgusting. They are known to have rodent problems. Thrill Billy said he woke up with a mouse running across his face and into his sleeping bag the other night in one.
I do not camp in them but have Hung out in them once or twice seeking temporary shelter from the rain. Even if I camp near one I hammock.
June 30, 2010 12:11 am

Date: 6.30.2010
Location: Kenebec River Caratunk, Maine
The Kenebec River is the only water crossing the trail makes in Maine that they don’t let you ford.
There are hydro powered plants upstream that release large amounts of water and the river levels rise quite rapidly.
I have been told that prior to 1985 they did let people cross on their own but that year a woman drowned crossing it. So now they have a “ferry” service (guy with a canoe). It’s tricky though cause it only runs from 9-11am except from July 15th-Sept. When they add 2 more hours to accomodate for increased hiker traffic. If you miss it your stuck that side of the river till next day.
I hiked my longest day last night (19 miles & 2 mountains) so I could camp close to the river to be sure and not miss the ferry. Beautiful river.
June 29, 2010 12:52 am

Date: 6.29.2010
Location: Moxie Bald Mountain, Maine
June 28, 2010 10:00 am

Date: 6.28.2010
Location: Monson, ME
My stay in Monson was great. I stayed at Shaws hostel. Dick, Dawn and Dana were the staff and they were great!
I was able to rest, watch World Cup. A few of us chipped in and had Dick drive us to Greenville, Maine near Moosehead Lake to go to a decent grocery store and a Northern Outfiters gear shop. I had to buy a new water pump. A little upset mine broke after only 1 weeks use but happy I for something much lighter.
Headed back to a sopping wet trail. A few I’d us left Shaws together and all thought despite the rain we could easily make 15 miles. The maps some had showed the terrain as flat so it seemed like an easy day despite the rain.
There is nothing like hiking in the pouring rain to drag down your spirits. At first you try to keep your feet dry, hopping on rocks, stepping on the sides etc. After you slip a few times and your feet are drenched you kinda give up and just slop right along.
I crossed 4 or 5 streams and small rivers. Again at first you take off your socks and boots and put on your river shoes, but after a while I didn’t even bother. One stream (photo above) was waist deep with some very strong currents. It was tough not to get swept down stream. My Treking poles were a great help.
I have at least learned to keep a dry set of clothes in a zip lock bag so I always have something clean and dry to sleep in even if it means putting wet clothes back on the next morning (yuk!!!)
On a brighter note Mother Goose says there are no water crossings on the trail after Maine:)
June 26, 2010 9:41 pm

From: Virginia
(David on left Mike on right)
SOBO Thru-Hikers
Met these 2 brothers about 2 days before hitting Monson. They are really cool and about the 2 fastest south bounders we have seen on the trail. They have done quick 25 mile days even in the rugged terrain of Maine!
June 26, 2010 9:40 pm

From: Columbus, Ohio
SOBO Section Hiker
First met Lisa and CC Rider. on the decent down from Katadihn. They were headed up with Mother Goose. and I was going down. Didn’t talk much then cause I was sweating the climb down. Have seen them several times since including in town at Monson. They are very cool.
June 26, 2010 9:38 pm

From: Columbus, Ohio
SOBO Section Hiker
Met CC and Lisa. on the decent down from Katadihn. They were headed up with Mother Goose. Have run into them several times since including in town in Monson. They are very cool people!
June 26, 2010 9:24 pm

From: Limerick, Maine
Age: 29
Section Hiker just doing Maine through the Whites before making a big move to Idaho.
Gets the trail name “Brookie” from all the brook trout he catches and cooks up at camp in the evenings.
I met Dan about 1/3 of the way into the 100 mile wilderness. We have been able to relate on several levels. We have been hiking alone but seem to end up at the same place at night. He is very fast but spends a lot of time goofing off and fishing so our mileage tends to be the same.
Smart guy, good sense of humor. Has shared his wealth of Maine knowledge with me. Having lots of fun hanging with him.
June 26, 2010 6:09 pm
I met Troy aka “Super Guide” on the bus from Portland to Bangor. I noticed his southern accent and guessed him to be about in his mid twenties. He sat a seat back and across the isle. As we rode in I overheard his conversation with a woman from Brooklyn. She somehow brought up gay rights and he went on about how wrong it is, the bible says so etc.
Being pretty liberal and having many gay friends and family I made a pretty quick decision that he was not someone I wanted to make friends with on the trail.
As I was later to find out he holds many other prejudices including blacks and Puerto Ricans. I was about to tell him why I don’t want anything to do with him and why but I am trying to avoid conflict. Unfortunately I keep running into him:(
June 26, 2010 6:09 pm

SOBO Thru-Hiker
Mother Goose was on the bus from Portland to Bangor. She is 61 and has over 31,000 miles hiking.
She has hiked the AT 5 times and is working on her 6th. She has hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, the and the International Appalachian Trail, and the Eastern Continental Trail from Florida to Canada.
She is very, very cool. Super knowlegeable and had been very helpful in teaching me a few things. I enjoy her company very much!